Annual Report 2023/2024

(8) Assets held for sale

Non-current assets are classified as “held for sale” and “measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell” if their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use.

By virtue of contractual arrangements and current transfer market conditions relating to the pending sale of transfer rights in one of the upcoming transfer windows, non-current intangible assets were reclassified as held for sale. Assets held for sale declined by EUR 11,014 thousand in connection with transfer deals. In addition, as at the end of the reporting period, intangible assets amounting to EUR 19,066 thousand were reclassified as assets held for sale and impairment losses of EUR 9,986 thousand were reported under depreciation, amortisation and write-downs. Accordingly, the carrying amount of assets held for sale amounted to EUR 9,080 thousand as at 30 June 2024 (30 June 2023: EUR 11,014 thousand).

34th match day / 18.05.2024

BVB - SV Darmstadt 4:0

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