The carrying amounts of the following financial instruments reflect the Group's maximum exposure to credit risk. At the end of the reporting period, the maximum exposure was as follows:
2018/2019 |
2017/2018 |
Financial assets, receivables and other financial receivables |
41,657 |
63,350 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
55,865 |
59,464 |
Borussia Dortmund applies the simplified approach for trade receivables and measures the lifetime expected credit losses at initial recognition according to the respective risk group and taking into account the historical credit loss rates. The allocation to the respective risk groups is base on the shared credit risk characteristics. At Borussia Dortmund, these are receivables from transfer deals on the one hand, and other trade receivables related primarily to ticketing, merchandising and sponsorships on the other. Credit loss rates specific to the risk clusters are calculated on the basis of the historical credit loss rates for the past three financial years and taking into account forward-looking macroeconomic indicators (gross domestic product).
Under the simplified approach, loss allowances are recognised on an individual basis if one or more events occur that have a detrimental impact on the creditworthiness of the debtor. These events include default in payment, impending insolvency or concessions by the debtor due to payment difficulties. Trade receivables are written off immediately if their recoverability is no longer expected with sufficient probability. This is the case, for example, when the debtor is in default.
Receivables from transfer deals represent a concentration of risk. These are hedged via transfer rights.
The change in loss allowances on the basis of the expected credit losses for trade receivables was as follows as at 30 June 2019:
EUR '000 |
2018/2019 |
2017/2018 |
Loss allowances as at 1 July in accordance with IAS 39 |
1,500 |
417 |
Adjustment in connection with the initial application of IFRS 9 |
11 |
0 |
Loss allowances as at 1 July in accordance with IFRS 9 |
1,511 |
417 |
Transfers recognised in profit or loss |
860 |
1,213 |
Reversals recognised in profit or loss |
-94 |
-83 |
Items recognised outside profit or loss |
-431 |
-47 |
Loss allowances in accordance with IFRS 9 |
6 |
0 |
Loss allowances as at 30 June |
1,852 |
1,500 |
The maturities of trade receivables as at the end of the reporting period were as follows:
EUR '000 |
2018/2019 |
2017/2018 |
Not yet due |
38,437 |
60,877 |
Less than 30 days past due |
1,301 |
1,623 |
Between 30 and 89 days past due |
66 |
134 |
More than 90 days past due |
0 |
0 |
39,804 |
62,634 |
Cash and cash equivalents relate to bank balances and short-term investments in the form of overnight and time deposits. Borussia Dortmund only deposits money at banks with investment grade ratings. Furthermore, the creditworthiness of the banks is regularly monitored on the basis of credit default swaps (CDS).
Due to the short investment term and the creditworthiness of the banks, cash and cash equivalents are subject to a low level of credit risk. Thus, as at 30 June 2019, no material loss allowances had been recognised.
The table below contains information on the credit risk and the expected credit losses according to the classes of receivables defined by Borussia Dortmund as at 30 June 2019: